Monday, December 17, 2012

Winter Musings - December 17, 2012

The stillness of the evening is gray and subdued.  I am thankful for an afternoon of rain and gray skies with relatively warm temperatures. The fall has been very dry which has certainly hurt the germination of the fall planted soft red winter wheat in our area.  As I drive down our gravel driveway, I slowly creep along looking for any signs of distress in our livestock that are impatiently awaiting their evening meal. Everyone one seems well and almost excited to see me - or the anticipation of the next feeding!

I was late coming home from work and now I must hurry to catch what little time of natural light is left.  This time of year, there seems to be so little time to get everything done.  Feeding the animals will be my priority with other jobs just having to wait their turn.  The evening air smells so fresh and clean.  I have been away from the farm for so long, I had almost forgotten how the peacefulness of the animals and the land calms my soul and gives me something to ponder along with a sense of renewal.

I'm most content here on our farm - away from the hustle of everyday life.
Until next time ---.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Warm & Wonderful January

I have to admit that the warm January weather is not hurting my feelings at all.  It is so nice to go to the barn and walk the pastures to check for new born goats without the cold chilling winds that are normally associated with January. So far we have had a relatively successful "kidding" season with the first group of bred does almost finished.  Then just a little break and back to the next group's kidding schedule!

My "new farm hand" - a collie puppy is still exploring the farm and getting to know the other animals.  She is a beautiful standard bred collie puppie that is sable colored.  She is a really smart dog and is taking her "herding" instincts seriously.  Just ask the turkeys and chickens.  I don't think that they are as impressed with the "new farm hand" as much as I am.  Oh well, I'm sure they will adjust to her being here as well as her unbridled energy level.

My son has named the new family member and farm hand "Addie".  I think the name is most fitting for such a beautiful and intelligent animal.

Until next time - --

Friday, December 16, 2011

What can be cuter than a baby goat?

A beautiful day was made even better with the birth of two nubian doelings.  Both doelings came into the world strong and ready to nurse.  One doe kid was definitely stronger - but that in no way stopped the smaller doe from getting her share of the first milk or colostrum that is needed to give them a healthy start in the world.
The doe that gave birth is a great mother - protective yet gentle with her new kids.  It's always nice to deal with an experienced doe that knows what to do and has that special "mothering instinct".  It really makes life a lot easier when you don't have to struggle to get the little ones to nurse.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Goat's Milk Soap

The dairy does of Moss Creek farm are "bagging up" and will soon the pastures will be full of little doeling and bucklings.  We raise Nubian, Toggenburg and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats.  The Toggenburgs and the Nigerian Dwarf does will be the first to freshen and then will will over flow with milk to make our handcrafted goat's milk soaps and lotions!  Goat's milk is very nourshing to the shin in that it is high in butterfat and moisturizes your skin.  Goat's milk soap is a gentle cleanser that leaves your skin supple and soft.  Our goat's milk and honey lotions are so rich and creamy.  A nice simple pleasure to start your day with!